4 quick tips for creating compelling video ads for social media

Shelby Ingle · Aug 19, 2020 · 6 min read

As a small business owner, you wear many hats. One of them probably isn’t Hollywood video creator, and that’s okay! You can still engage with your followers with these 4 quick tips for creating compelling videos…

Why it’s Important

Video marketing continues to be the best performing digital content type on social media today. Videos drive more views, more engagement, and more response than any other social posting option.

  • 78% of people watch videos online every week and 55% of those watch every day. (Social Media Today)
  • 72% of customers prefer learning about a product or service through video (Social Media Today)
  • 81% of businesses use video in their marketing strategy; a 65% increase compared to last year. (Social Media Today)

It’s no wonder businesses are turning to video content to promote their brand and products more than ever before. Follow these 4 Important Tips when creating your videos:

1. Plan it out and develop a backstory for every video

If you’re able to motivate, persuade, or evoke emotion with a viewer you’re far more likely to have them engage with your product, service, or company. The best way to do this is by creating an effective narrative.

Many might remember the emphasis on the Hero’s Journey in their language arts class growing up. The hero’s journey has come back to rear its head, and that’s for one important reason: oxytocin. Oxytocin is raised in the body when someone connects with you on a human level or is vulnerable. Marketing research shows that if you create a video with a middle, beginning, end, conflict resolution, and character development, your viewer is far more generous, charitable, and compassionate, because they’re releasing high levels of oxytocin. More generous and engaged customers are exactly what your small business needs and that’s the reason this is our number one tip!

Ultimately, the Hero’s Journey will help you captivate your customer’s heart by increasing the oxytocin in their brain!

2. Avoid shaky hands and shaky videos

You wouldn’t hand someone your business card with your headshot crooked and awry, so why would you make a video for your business with a shaky hand? Using a tripod or any kind of stabilizer helps you create a more professional looking video.

There are great stabilizers on the market for all different types of devices. Whether it’s your smart phone or professional camera there’s a tool out there for you!

However, let’s say you can’t get a clear, shake free video even with great tools? No problem! Movidmo has tons of great stock videos that you can personalize and make all your own! So, regardless if you get a little help from a stabilizer or use a stock video from Movidmo, market research shows the better quality of video, the more invested and focused your audience will be on you and your product.

3. Edit out the Excess

When creating a video, we tend to add in a little extra content than necessary. That’s completely normal! We’d suggest watching your video at least 5 times and recounting when is the first moment your mind engages with this video. More than likely your intro is too long, and it’s not doing enough to build the story arc you need. Remember, statistics show that viewers won’t watch a video over 20 seconds when they’re scrolling on their social media feed. It’s also good to note, that each social media has a specific limit for video length. For example, Snapchat gives you 10 seconds, Instagram gives you 60 seconds, and Twitter the most instantaneous social media of all, give you 30 seconds for your video. Movidmo has recognized the importance of brevity. There’s not a video in our templates that’s longer than 30 seconds. We know the best practices and we’re implementing them!

So remember, trim the fat, and your video will be better for it!

4. Capture a video that’s intended for a specific social media

When it comes to creating a video for social media, always remember to keep your videos horizontal or square. This is because one, it will look better on a phone, which is where a majority of your customers are when they’re active on social, and two it’s psychologically how we best process video. From the dawn of silent films to Netflix, we are all accustomed to watching things on a horizontal screen. It just makes sense to create content that your customer’s brains can easily process. Recent studies also suggest that square videos are another great way to go for engagement. Square videos fill up more of your customer’s screen helping them avoid being distracted by other products or services on their social feeds.

Remember, because each social network has a unique audience, social videos must be optimized for different channels. A video that works on Instagram isn’t going to work for Facebook or Twitter. Know your demographics and alter your videos accordingly.

To the small business owner that wears many hats, we hope this was helpful in sending you on your way to creating compelling, engaging videos on social media today.