Multiple videos and images in your video backdrop

Webster West · Apr 23, 2021 · 3 min read

Multiple videos and images in your video backdrop

The very first commercial aired on July 1st 1941. Since that time, the way businesses small and large have reached their customers has drastically changed. One thing that has remained the same is how effective multi clip videos are with engaging an audience. Our customers asked for this capability, and we answered with our latest release. Movidmo now allows you to combine multiple video clips and images together to tell your story, reach your customers, and promote your brand!

It all starts with the backdrop in the Movidmo editor. Like a painting, you have to create the background first before you can add any details. The backdrop in Movidmo works the exact same way. It is the background that you put your content on top of to tell your story. Before in Movidmo, when you would select a backdrop you’d choose a single video from stock footage or by uploading your own video. Now in Movidmo, you can create a backdrop made up of multiple videos and images. When you choose an image, you can even add motion to the image using a zooming/panning technique that is commonly called the Ken Burns effect. This will create a seamless transition between videos and images that make the final product look like one cohesive engaging commercial. As an example, check out the Contain Yourself video template shown below which has both video clips and images in the backdrop.

There are numerous benefits to using a backdrop consisting of multiple videos and images. Using multiple components means you are utilizing all possible resources to engage the viewer, and the changing visuals create more energy in the resulting video ad. The resulting video ad will also look more like a polished commercial which will draw more attention from viewers. Not only are there more opportunities for a customer to engage with the video by the changing pace of the visual content, but this approach gives you the opportunity to put entertainment first. Statistics show that if you can entertain your customer, then you can convert your customer. Think of the Superbowl as an example. The professional commercials, made to entertain us, drive an incredible amount of sales. You now have that type of capability within Movidmo!

Start creating awesome videos today! Combine multiple video clips and images together to tell your story, reach your customers, and promote your brand!