Travel Video Ad Template

Duration: 12s
Credits: 1
Want to generate interactions with your customers and followers? Check out this great video ad. Tailor this video template with your messaging and branding.

What makes for a good silent video?

Shelby Ingle
Sep 18, 2020
5 min read
Silent videos have been around since at least 1903 when Thomas Edison produced the first narrative movie. Silent videos are coming back with a vengeance, just on smaller screens. Audiences now more than ever before are watching videos on social platforms. This is a great opportunity for small busine

Movidmo partners with Cloudinary

Webster West
Sep 28, 2022
7 min read
By connecting Movidmo and Cloudinary, users can build engaging video content with their Cloudinary media assets. By connecting Cloudinary with a free Movidmo account, users can incorporate images and videos from Cloudinary into Movidmo projects and take advantage of the wide range of media transform

New Movidmo fonts

Webster West
Aug 20, 2020
5 min read
Sound is off by default as people scroll through their social media feeds. For this reason, eye catching video ads require text captions to grab attention. The fonts used to display this text can add a great deal of appeal to the story you are trying to tell. At Movidmo, we recognize the importance

The ever expanding list of fonts in Movidmo

Webster West
Jan 8, 2023
4 min read
Whether you are creating an educational video snippet for a class or a video ad for Facebook or Instagram, video content creators can not assume that viewers will access their content with sound on. This means that captions and the fonts used for their display are very important in video design. Wit