Christmas Video Ad Template

Duration: 20s
Credits: 4
You are minutes away from an amazing Christmas video ad that will elevate interactions with your social media audience. Design this video template with your own text, media and other content.
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New Movidmo Animations

Webster West
Apr 20, 2023
10 min read
Whether you are creating marketing videos or educational content, interesting visual effects are key to capturing and maintaining the viewer's focus. Movidmo now provides just that with customizable animations designed to help you draw more attention to your video creations.

Adding drawings to videos

Webster West
Oct 7, 2022
4 min read
Sometimes it’s nice to add your own personal touch to the videos you design with the Movidmo editor. Add these touches using the newly added free hand drawing tool. Check out some examples of this new tool and learn how to pair it with effects to make it appear as though your creations are being d

Stomp it!

Webster West
Oct 11, 2020
7 min read
Kinetic typography is the art of using animated text to tell stories and express ideas in interesting ways. Animated text has always been an important part of Movidmo. Captions displayed with entry and exit effects are essential for the creation of visually interesting video ads and video posts. As

3 types of Instagram ads and the types of content you should use today!

Shelby Ingle
Oct 23, 2020
4 min read
Instagram is a marketing channel that’s taken the world by storm. Whether you’re 15 or 48, you're most likely on Instagram.It’s no surprise that every business regardless of vertical is jumping on the Instagram train to find their audience. An Instagram ad is a post that a business pays to pro