Travel Video Ad Template

Duration: 26s
Credits: 1
You are minutes away from an amazing video ad that will inspire engagement with your customers and followers. Customize this video template with your messaging and branding.

Stomp it!

Webster West
Oct 11, 2020
7 min read
Kinetic typography is the art of using animated text to tell stories and express ideas in interesting ways. Animated text has always been an important part of Movidmo. Captions displayed with entry and exit effects are essential for the creation of visually interesting video ads and video posts. As

What we do with the shadows

Webster West
Mar 6, 2023
6 min read
Whether you are creating a marketing video or an educational video, shadows can be used to set content apart from background or to add depth to visual content. This blog post discusses the newly added shadow feature which is now available for all design elements in the Movidmo video editor.

Marketers, Here’s 3 Months’ Worth of Content Ideas for the Beginning of 2023

Bret Sears
Jan 2, 2023
5 min read
As a marketer, you have likely set professional goals for yourself this year, whether in the form of a resolution or just quarter-to-quarter expectations of yourself. One of the best ways to defeat the feeling of burnout and to avoid giving up on your goals is by planning ahead. Here are some great

Jumpstart your business with video marketing

Guest Blogger
Feb 14, 2020
2 min read
If you’re starting a new business or just looking to revamp your current one, online marketing strategies are critical to the process. Today, consumers engage more online than ever before and marketing to them where they are (online) will tremendously increase your likelihood of success. How do yo