
Images can be used to customize content with product shots, photos of people or places, logos and more.

To add an image, choose Add > Image/Logo in the project menu, and then search free stock photos provided by Unsplash and Pixabay or select an image uploaded to Movidmo. After selecting an image, specify the properties listed below. To modify these properties for an existing image, use the canvas or the inspector.

  • Click Replace to select a new image in place of the current one.
  • Crop the portion of the image to be displayed.
    • The entire image is selected using a rectangle by default.
    • The corner nodes of the crop region can be used to adjust it.
    • Toggle and below the image to lock or unlock the aspect ratio of the crop region. When the region is locked, its outline is red. When the region is unlocked, its outline is green.
    • The shape of the crop region can be changed by clicking below the image. A number of shapes including rectangle, square and circle are available. Many of these shapes by their nature have locked aspect ratios.
  • If desired, select a transparent color mask to cover the image. A color mask can help make content displayed on top of the image more legible.
  • Specify the opacity of the image. A value of 100 (the default) means the image is displayed with no transparency. A value of 0 means the image will be completely transparent.
  • Select a Zoom/Pan setting to define the movement of the image within its container. Options include a number of zoom and pan techniques.
  • Select the display size of the image.
    • The default size of Custom fits the image within 50% of the canvas dimensions. If an image has been manually resized on the canvas, its size will also be shown as Custom.
    • The Fit option fits the image within the total canvas dimensions.
    • The Fill option sizes the image so that it completely covers the canvas. This may result in part of the image being outside the display area. If this option is selected, the cropping region is locked to match canvas dimensions.
  • Set the timeline properties as well as position and layer if needed.

Check out the video below for help with images.