Technology Video Post Template

Duration: 16s
Credits: 1
Want to improve interactions with your customers and followers? Check out this great video post. Modify this video template to meet your needs.
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The ever expanding list of fonts in Movidmo

Webster West
Jan 8, 2023
4 min read
Whether you are creating an educational video snippet for a class or a video ad for Facebook or Instagram, video content creators can not assume that viewers will access their content with sound on. This means that captions and the fonts used for their display are very important in video design. Wit

Marketers, Here’s 3 Months’ Worth of Content Ideas for the Beginning of 2023

Bret Sears
Jan 2, 2023
5 min read
As a marketer, you have likely set professional goals for yourself this year, whether in the form of a resolution or just quarter-to-quarter expectations of yourself. One of the best ways to defeat the feeling of burnout and to avoid giving up on your goals is by planning ahead. Here are some great

Adding drawings to videos

Webster West
Oct 7, 2022
4 min read
Sometimes it’s nice to add your own personal touch to the videos you design with the Movidmo editor. Add these touches using the newly added free hand drawing tool. Check out some examples of this new tool and learn how to pair it with effects to make it appear as though your creations are being d

Monetizing TikTok: Turn Your TikTok Account into a Money-Making Machine

Bret Sears
Jul 22, 2024
10 min read
TikTok has emerged as one of the hottest platforms for content creators and influencers alike. Use our tips to guide you through the various avenues available for generating income from your TikTok account.