Travel Video Ad Template

Duration: 15s
Credits: 1
Ready to create an awesome video ad to elevate interactions across your social media channels? Modify this video template with your own text, media and other content.
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Add opacity and movement to images within the Movidmo editor

Webster West
Aug 12, 2021
2 min read
At Movidmo, we work hard to ensure our video editing tool gives you all the effects you need to command attention for your brand. Our most recent updates were designed to ensure just that. Now in Movidmo you can change the opacity and add Ken Burns Effect to all of your images to make your video rea

Jumpstart your business with video marketing

Guest Blogger
Feb 14, 2020
2 min read
If you’re starting a new business or just looking to revamp your current one, online marketing strategies are critical to the process. Today, consumers engage more online than ever before and marketing to them where they are (online) will tremendously increase your likelihood of success. How do yo

New Movidmo Animations

Webster West
Apr 20, 2023
10 min read
Whether you are creating marketing videos or educational content, interesting visual effects are key to capturing and maintaining the viewer's focus. Movidmo now provides just that with customizable animations designed to help you draw more attention to your video creations.

Adding drawings to videos

Webster West
Oct 7, 2022
4 min read
Sometimes it’s nice to add your own personal touch to the videos you design with the Movidmo editor. Add these touches using the newly added free hand drawing tool. Check out some examples of this new tool and learn how to pair it with effects to make it appear as though your creations are being d