Video Ad Template

Duration: 25s
Credits: 1
You're on your way to creating a stunning video ad to improve engagement across your social media channels. Customize this video template with your own text, media and other content.
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5 tips for using captions in video ads

Webster West
Oct 19, 2022
15 min read
Most video ads on social media sites like Facebook and Instagram are watched with sound off by default. This lack of an audio pathway can make messaging very challenging. That’s why captions are so incredibly important when creating video ads for social media. Designers must assume that the entire

It’s time to consider video content in your marketing plan

Bret Sears
Apr 13, 2022
5 min read
When it comes to marketing your business, you know just how it is to set yourself apart from your competition and one great way to do that is with video marketing. Not only is it a great way for your customers to connect with your business, but it’s a great way to showcase who you are and what you

What does ChatGPT have to say about video marketing? We decided to find out.

Webster West
Feb 17, 2023
10 min read
There is little doubt that AI tools are going to have a huge impact on content generation in the near future. This blog covers our experience with using ChatGPT to develop content for blog posts and captions for video ads. The results will probably amaze you.

Creating a video tour of an image

Webster West
Dec 7, 2022
10 min read
One of the most awesome things about the Movidmo video editor is its ability to turn static images into video content. Movidmo allows images to be displayed in moving form meaning that the portion of the image that is displayed can change over time. The viewport for an image can zoom in or out aroun