Fall Video Ad Template

Duration: 13s
Credits: 1
You are minutes away from an amazing Fall video ad that will enhance interactions across your social media channels. Modify this video template to meet your needs.

Use Tik Tok for business advertising with Movidmo

Webster West
May 6, 2023
5 min read
Tik Tok is an exciting social media platform with millions of young users. It is an advertising gold mine for small businesses. Use Movidmo to create video content that will appeal to Tik Tok users and grow your business with this important market segment.

Add opacity and movement to images within the Movidmo editor

Webster West
Aug 12, 2021
2 min read
At Movidmo, we work hard to ensure our video editing tool gives you all the effects you need to command attention for your brand. Our most recent updates were designed to ensure just that. Now in Movidmo you can change the opacity and add Ken Burns Effect to all of your images to make your video rea

What we do with the shadows

Webster West
Mar 6, 2023
6 min read
Whether you are creating a marketing video or an educational video, shadows can be used to set content apart from background or to add depth to visual content. This blog post discusses the newly added shadow feature which is now available for all design elements in the Movidmo video editor.

What does ChatGPT have to say about video marketing? We decided to find out.

Webster West
Feb 17, 2023
10 min read
There is little doubt that AI tools are going to have a huge impact on content generation in the near future. This blog covers our experience with using ChatGPT to develop content for blog posts and captions for video ads. The results will probably amaze you.