Summer Video Ad Template

Duration: 19s
Credits: 4
Want to generate interactions with your social media audience? Check out this great Summer video ad. Design this video template with your own text, media and other content.
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Jumpstart your business with video marketing

Guest Blogger
Feb 14, 2020
2 min read
If you’re starting a new business or just looking to revamp your current one, online marketing strategies are critical to the process. Today, consumers engage more online than ever before and marketing to them where they are (online) will tremendously increase your likelihood of success. How do yo

Bringing video to the content layer

Webster West
Oct 9, 2022
5 min read
Movidmo now allows you to do all sorts of interesting things with video including cropping to interesting shapes and applying effects. Take a tour of the new video features with the Starcation video ad template. Video in the content layer is a huge step forward as it allows video to be used in a num

4 quick tips for creating compelling video ads for social media

Shelby Ingle
Aug 19, 2020
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As a small business owner, you wear many hats. One of them probably isn’t Hollywood video producer, and that’s okay! You can still engage with your followers with these 4 quick tips for creating compelling video ads.

The ever expanding list of fonts in Movidmo

Webster West
Jan 8, 2023
4 min read
Whether you are creating an educational video snippet for a class or a video ad for Facebook or Instagram, video content creators can not assume that viewers will access their content with sound on. This means that captions and the fonts used for their display are very important in video design. Wit