Video Ad Template

Duration: 25s
Credits: 1
Ready to create an awesome video ad to improve engagement with your social media audience? Customize this video template with your own text, media and other content.

Movidmo partners with Cloudinary

Webster West
Sep 28, 2022
7 min read
By connecting Movidmo and Cloudinary, users can build engaging video content with their Cloudinary media assets. By connecting Cloudinary with a free Movidmo account, users can incorporate images and videos from Cloudinary into Movidmo projects and take advantage of the wide range of media transform

Finding the right Movidmo video template

Webster West
Nov 17, 2022
5 min read
When you are shopping for the perfect Movidmo video template to juice up your next post on Facebook or Instagram, it is hard not to feel like a kid in a candy store. Movidmo offers hundreds of professionally designed templates for you to choose from. This blog post offers a few tips to help you narr

What does ChatGPT have to say about video marketing? We decided to find out.

Webster West
Feb 17, 2023
10 min read
There is little doubt that AI tools are going to have a huge impact on content generation in the near future. This blog covers our experience with using ChatGPT to develop content for blog posts and captions for video ads. The results will probably amaze you.

3 types of Instagram ads and the types of content you should use today!

Shelby Ingle
Oct 23, 2020
4 min read
Instagram is a marketing channel that’s taken the world by storm. Whether you’re 15 or 48, you're most likely on Instagram.It’s no surprise that every business regardless of vertical is jumping on the Instagram train to find their audience. An Instagram ad is a post that a business pays to pro