Spring Video Ad Template

Duration: 14s
Credits: 4
You're on your way to creating a stunning Spring video ad to generate interactions with your customers and followers. Tailor this video template to meet your needs.
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Bringing video to the content layer

Webster West
Oct 9, 2022
5 min read
Movidmo now allows you to do all sorts of interesting things with video including cropping to interesting shapes and applying effects. Take a tour of the new video features with the Starcation video ad template. Video in the content layer is a huge step forward as it allows video to be used in a num

Finding the right Movidmo video template

Webster West
Nov 17, 2022
5 min read
When you are shopping for the perfect Movidmo video template to juice up your next post on Facebook or Instagram, it is hard not to feel like a kid in a candy store. Movidmo offers hundreds of professionally designed templates for you to choose from. This blog post offers a few tips to help you narr

Marketers, Here’s 3 Months’ Worth of Content Ideas for the Beginning of 2023

Bret Sears
Jan 2, 2023
5 min read
As a marketer, you have likely set professional goals for yourself this year, whether in the form of a resolution or just quarter-to-quarter expectations of yourself. One of the best ways to defeat the feeling of burnout and to avoid giving up on your goals is by planning ahead. Here are some great

The ultimate guide for Instagram hashtags in 2023

Bret Sears
Apr 6, 2023
5 min read
Movidmo is a great tool for making video content for your social media channels like Instagram. This blog post covers the best strategies for choosing the proper hashtags to attach to your Movidmo video content on Instagram.